NEW! Adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element

The City of Fairfield City Council adopted the Housing Element on February 7, 2023. The adopted Housing Element was shared with the California Department of Housing and Community Development, who certified the Element on April 10th, 2023.

Adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element
Table C-21: Sites Inventory (excel)
HCD Certification Letter, April 10th, 2023

HCD Comment Letter

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) has published a review of the draft 6th Cycle Housing Element. The Planning Team will address these comments and present a revised hearing draft to the Planning Commission at their regularly scheduled meeting on 1/25/23. Read the letter here.

Past Links:

2023-2031 Housing Element Hearing Draft, 1/18/23

The Planning team has addressed HCD’s comments in the revised hearing draft, which will be presented to the Planning Commission at their regularly scheduled meeting on 1/25/23, and to the City Council on 2/7/23. Read the hearing draft at the links below:

Full Hearing Draft| Redline | Clean

Housing Element Chapters 1-6| Redline | Clean
Appendix A Evaluation of Prior Element
Appendix B Community Engagement
Appendix C Sites Inventory
Appendix D 2022 Analysis of Impediments

Consultation Edits Available for Public Review, 12/22

After informal consultation with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), the City has made revisions to the draft Housing Element to address preliminary issues, shown in tracked changes. State law mandates these be available for 7 days before HCD can review these additional changes.

You can review the changes (12/22) here:
Housing Element Chapters 1-6
Appendix A Evaluation of Prior Element
Appendix B Community Engagement
Appendix C Sites Inventory
Appendix D 2022 Analysis of Impediments

To submit public comments, please email Community Development Director Dave Feinstein at by end of day December 29th, 2022.

Read the draft Housing Element’s Initial Study/Negative Declaration here.

The City of Fairfield has incorporated and addressed public comments and has sent the draft 6th Cycle Housing Element for 2023-2031 to the Department of Housing and Community Development for review on October 6th. Per State law, HCD will have 90 days to review and provide feedback on the draft. After HCD comments are received, the City will publish the letter and address any remaining compliance issues.  

Link to HCD review draft submitted Oct 6, 2022. Also see column on the right.

Have questions? Read our FAQ document in English and Spanish

The Housing Element must include an inventory of land suitable and available for residential development to meet the locality’s regional housing need by income level. View the draft inventory of housing sites using the interactive map below. Click the “>>” box in the left-hand corner of the map to view the legend.

City of Fairfield 2023 - 2031 Housing Element Update

Compiled Housing Element (10/6 version)

Housing Element, Chapters 1-6 includes:
Needs Assessment
Assessment of Fair Housing
Resources and Opportunities
Housing Action Plan

Appendix A Evaluation of Prior Element
Appendix B Community Engagement
Appendix C Sites Inventory
Appendix D 2022 Analysis of Impediments